Protect. Promote. Prosper.

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A Letter From Your 12th District Candidate

My name is Hil Boone and I want to earn the right to represent you on the Urban County Council. 

As a lifelong resident, as a farmer, as a businessman, husband and father, I’ve decided now is the time to serve you with a fresh, independent voice on council. Why? Because it is a crucial time for our district.

With the retirement of Kathy Plomin, the 12th District needs a firm commitment to stopping uncontrolled growth. You have my assurance that her legacy on this topic is a priority. 

My desire to work for the 12th District, and all of Lexington, revolves around three commitments – and that is to protect the unique greenbelt we live in, to promote the needs of our neighborhoods and to also, through smart growth, provide opportunities for all to prosper

Through smart growth – everyone prospers. This is not non-growth, but embracing and encouraging economic success in all sectors while leaning into our unique agricultural assets. Horses, healthcare, and hi- tech are three pillars for Lexington to build around. As we grow as a city, let’s keep in mind our world-class identity and preserve what makes us different from other cities. Promote and protect Lexington, so we all can prosper and continue to enjoy an amazing quality of life. 

Campaign season has begun and your support is crucial in our success. To be your voice, I must first listen and learn your concerns and I would be honored to hear from you. 

Thank you for your time and support.

-Hil Boone for 12th District

Smart growth serves us all.

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